Dr Nathan Alkemade
Clinical Psychologist
Not taking clients. New clients are welcome to see our other practitioners.
Briefly about my clinical psychology practice
Currently I am interested in working with adults who experience difficulties managing stress and intense emotions. Along with adults suffering from depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders and trauma based psychiatric conditions.
I have worked with forensic populations, people hospitalised with psychiatric disorders, individuals transitioning back into the community after hospitalisation, people struggling to find the work life balance, and adults who are looking for help to manage their distress in day-to-day living.
I provide an evidence-based, person-centred compassionate approach to my clinical work.
$250 per 50-minute telehealth video session (I do not offer in-person sessions).
$220 including GST per 60-minute Board-approved supervision telehealth video session (includes registrar program principal supervision for practice of clinical psychology), contact us.
Areas in which I help best
Anger Management
Coping Skills
Emotional Disturbance
Mood Disorders
Psychotic disorders
Stress Management
Trauma and PTSD
Therapeutic approach
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
My goal, style and approach in session
The primary goal of therapy is for me to help you develop skills to better manage intense emotions. By improving your skills to manage emotions you are better able to live the life you want. These skills are designed to not only help you know, but also leave you better equipped for life’s future challenges.
To achieve this goal we will work as a team. I need to understand you as an individual to help you develop the best toolbox of skills that suit you.
Often starting therapy is a difficult step to take, so therapy will only move at a pace with which you are comfortable.
Professional membership and ABN
Endorsed in Clinical Psychology by Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
Board-approved supervisor.
Registrar program principal supervisor for practice of clinical psychology.
Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy (AACBT).
Registered provider of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for the treatment of PTSD.
ABN: 34 839 053 517.
Higher education
Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology)/Doctor of Philosophy, University of Melbourne, Vic, 2013.
Post Graduate Diploma of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Vic, 2007.
Graduate Diploma Psychology, University of Melbourne, Vic, 2006.
Bachelor of Arts, Monash University, Vic, 1994.
Additional training
Schema Therapy for Complex Trauma, Schema Therapy Training Australia, 2021.
Cognitive Processing Therapy, 2019
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, 2018
Psychology Board-approved Supervisor Training, Cairnmillar Institute, 2018.
Prolonged Exposure for PTSD, Phoenix Australia, 2017
Trauma-Focused CBT, Phoenix Australia, 2014
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, CBT Australia, 2013.
Client focus
All genders, ethnicities, religions, relationship types and sexualities are welcome.
Other spoken languages
Special interests, endeavours, publications and about me
Armstrong, R., Phillips, L., Alkemade, N. and Louise O'Donnell, M. (2020), Using Latent Class Analysis to Support the ICD-11 Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Diagnosis in a Sample of Homeless Adults. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 33: 677-687. https://doi.org/10.1002/jts.22554
Molyneaux R, Gibbs L, Bryant R. A., Humphreys C, Hegarty K, Kellett C, Gallagher H.C., Block K, Harms L, Richardson J.F., Alkemade N, Forbes D. (2020). Interpersonal violence and mental health outcomes following disaster. BJPsych Open, 6(1), E1. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjo.2019.82
Alkemade, N., Bowden, S., and Salzmann, L. (2019) Does the neurological damage from a traumatic brain injury invalidate measures of psychopathology such as the MMPI-2?, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 34(1), 39-49. https://doi.org/10.1093/arclin/acx079
Gibbs L, Nursey J, Cook J, Ireton G, Alkemade N, Roberts M, Gallagher C, Bryant R, Block K, Molyneaux R, Forbes D. (2019) Delayed disaster impacts on academic performance of primary school children. Child Development. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13200
Kartal, D., Alkemade, N. and Litza, A. K. (2019) Trauma and Mental Health in Resettled Refugees: Mediating Effect of Host Language Acquisition on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms. Transcultural Psychiatry, 56(1), 3-23. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363461518789538
Block, K., Molyneux, R., Gibbs, L., Alkemade, N., Baker, E., MacDougall, C., Irenton, G., and Forbes, D. (2019) The role of the natural environment in disaster recovery: “We live here because we love the bush”, Health & Place, 57, 61-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.03.007
Kartal, D., Alkemade, N., Eisenbruch, M. Kiropoulos, L. & Kissane, D. (2018) Traumatic exposure, acculturative stress and cultural orientation: The influence on PTSD, depressive and anxiety symptoms among refugees resettled in Australia and Austria. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 53(9):931-941. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-018-1532-z
Phelps, A., Steel, Z., Metcalf, O., Cowlishaw, S., Alkemade, N., O’Donnell, M.L., Redston, S., Kerr, K., Howard, A., Nursey, J., Cooper, J., Armstrong, R., Fitzgerald, L., and Forbes, D. (2018), Treatment outcomes for military veterans with PTSD: response trajectories by symptom cluster, Journal of Traumatic Stress, 31(3), 401-409. https://doi.org/10.1002/jts.22299
Forbes D, Nickerson A, Bryant RA, Creamer M, Silove D, McFarlane AC, Van Hooff M, Phelps A, Felmingham KL, Malhi GS, Steel Z, Fredrickson J, Alkemade N., O'Donnell M. (2018). The impact of post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology on quality of life: The sentinel experience of anger, hypervigilance and restricted affect. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry https://doi.org/10.1177/0004867418772917
Phelps, A.; Steel, Z., Metcalf, O., Alkemade, N., Kerr, K., O’Donnell, ML., Nursey, J., Cooper, J., Howard, A., Armstrong, R., Forbes, D. (2018). Key patterns and predictors of response to treatment for military veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: A growth mixture modelling approach. Psychological Medicine, 48(1), 95-103. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291717001404
O’Donnell ML, Alkemade, N., Creamer, M., McFarlane, A., Silove, D, Bryant, R., Felmingham, K., Steel, Z., Forbes, D. (2016). A longitudinal study of adjustment disorder after trauma exposure. American Journal of Psychiatry, 173(12), 1231-1238. https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ajp.2016.16010071
Gallagher, H. Colin. , Richardson, J., Forbes, D., Harms, L., Gibbs, L., Alkemade, N., MacDougall, C., Waters, E., Block, K., Lusher, D., Snowdon, E., and Bryant, R. A. (2016) Mental health following separation in a disaster: The role of attachment style. Journal of traumatic stress, 29(1), 56-64. https://doi.org/10.1002/jts.22071
O’Donnell, M. L., Alkemade, N., Creamer, M., McFarlane, A. C., Silove, D., Bryant, R. A., and Forbes, D. (2016) The long term psychiatric sequelae of severe injury: a six year follow-up study. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77(4):e473-9. https://doi.org/10.4088/JCP.14m09721
O’Donnell, M. L., Grant, G., Alkemade, N., Spittal, M., Creamer, M., Silove, D., McFarlane, A. C., Bryant, R. A., Forbes, D. and Studdert, D. (2015). Compensation seeking and disability after injury: The role of compensation-related stress and mental health. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 76(8):e1000-5. https://doi.org/10.4088/JCP.14m09211
Forbes, D., Alkemade, N., Nickerson, A., Bryant, R. A., Creamer, M., Silove, D., McFarlane, A. C., Van Hoof, M., Phelps, A. Rees, S., Steele, Z., and O’Donnell, M. L. (2016) Prediction of late onset psychiatric disorder in survivors of severe injury: Findings of a latent transition analysis. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77(6), 807-812
Alkemade, N., Bowden, S. C. and Salzman, L. (2015). Scoring correction for MMPI-2 Hs scale with patients experiencing a Traumatic Brain Injury: A test of measurement invariance. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 30(1), 39-48, https://doi.org/10.1093/arclin/acu058
Forbes, D., Nickerson, A., Alkemade, N., Bryant, R. A., Creamer, M., Silove, D., McFarlane, A. C., Van Hoof, M., Fletcher, S. L. and O’Donnell, M. L. (2015). Longitudinal analysis of latent classes of psychopathology and patterns of class migration in survivors of severe injury. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 76(9), 1193-1199. https://doi.org/10.4088/JCP.14m09075
Forbes, D., Alkemade, N., Waters, E., Gibbs, L., Gallagher, C., Pattison, P., Lusher, D., MacDougall, C., Harms, L., Block, K., Snowdon, E., Sinnott, V., Ireton, G., Richardson, J., and Bryant, R.A. (2015) The Role of Anger and Ongoing Stressors in Mental Health Following a Natural Disaster. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49(8), 706-713, https://doi.org/10.1177/0004867414565478
O’Donnell, ML., Alkemade, N., & Forbes, D. (2015).Is Australia in the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Petri Dish? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49(4), 315-16, https://doi.org/10.1177/0004867415572413
Forbes, D., Alkemade, N., Hopcraft, D., Hawthorne, G., O’Halloran, P., Elhai, J. D., McHugh, T., Bates, G., Novaco, R. W., Bryant, R. A., and Lewis, V. (2015). Evaluation of the Dimensions of Anger Reactions-5 (DAR-5) Scale in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28(8), 830-835. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.janxdis.2014.09.015
Forbes, D., Alkemade, N., Mitchell, D., Elhai, J., McHugh, T., Bates, G., Novaco, R., Bryant, R., and Lewis, V. (2014). Utility of the Dimensions of Anger Reactions - 5 (DAR-5) Scale as a brief anger measure. Depression and Anxiety, 31, 166-173.
O’Donnell, M. L., Alkemade, N., Nickerson, A., Creamer, M., McFarlane, A. C., Silove, D., Bryant, R. A. and Forbes, D. (2014). The impact of the proposed diagnostic changes to posttraumatic stress disorder: DSM-5 and ICD-11. British Journal of Psychiatry, 205(3), 230-235.
Relevant experience
Senior clinical psychologist, Monash Health, Cranbourne Continuing Care Team, Vic, Jul 2017—present.
Assessment and treatment of individual adult patients.
Secondary consultations.
Supervision of psychologists and students.
Senior clinical psychologist, Forensicare, Ravenhall Correctional Centre, Vic, Sep 2017—Jul 2018.​
Assessment and treatment of individual adult patients.
Design and implementation of group programs.
Secondary consultations.
Supervision of psychologists.
Clinical psychologist, CBT Australia, Jun 2013—Sep 2017.
Intake and assessment of clients aged 5 to 65 with a variety of psychological disorders (developmental, mood, anxiety, trauma, personality disorders).
Case formulation, designing and implementing intervention plans to treat psychological difficulties.
Research Fellow II, Phoenix Australia - Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, Carlton, Vic, May 2012—May 2017.
Paper writing
Preparation of conference presentations
Quantitive analysis
Systematic literature reviews
Report writing
Provision of professional advice.
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Not taking clients. New clients are welcome to see our other practitioners.
You are welcome to contact me
You are welcome to briefly discuss your clinical matter with me and establish what you may be seeking from me. This will also help us get an idea of how suitable my therapeutic approach and style is for you.
For any administrative queries, please Contact us. For clinical matters only, you may contact me by submitting the form below which the office manager will forward to me.
Please understand that we are not a crisis service. If you need help in a crisis, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or in an emergency call 000.