Mr Simon Lush
Clinical Psychologist
Existing clients only. New clients are welcome to see our other practitioners.
Briefly about my clinical psychology practice
I have worked as a clinical psychologist for over 14 years, both in private practice and in community health settings. I specialise in a range of evidence-based mindfulness interventions, as well as cognitive-behavioural therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy.
The guiding principle in my work is to support individuals and groups to find ways to suffer less and flourish more.
$180 per 50-minute telehealth video session (I do not offer in-person sessions).
Report production fee is based on APS Schedule of Recommended Fees. Feel free to Contact us for your reporting need.
Areas in which I help best
Anxiety & phobias
Stress management
Shyness & social anxiety
Self esteem
Insomnia & other sleep disorders
Life/personal coaching
Life transition & adjustment
Goal setting & motivation
Managing conflict & building healthy relationships
Creating emotional balance
Promoting self-care & wellbeing
Anger management
Workplaces issues & burnout
Living with chronic pain
Therapeutic approach
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
My goal, style and approach in session
I work most often with adults whose stress, anxiety and depression are causing unmanageable levels of suffering in their lives. My focus is to build your understanding of the causes of this distress and work to equip you with ways to better manage and feel better. I have a warm, compassionate, and non-judgmental approach.
Higher education
Master of Psychology (Clinical), Australian Catholic University, 2007.
Post Graduate Diploma of Psychology, Australian Catholic University, 2004.
Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology), Deakin University, 1998.
Graduate Diploma of Urban Horticulture, University of Melbourne, 2019.
Additional training
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy training, Dr Russ Harris.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy professional training, Southern Synergy, 2005.
Client focus
All genders, ethnicities, religions, relationship types and sexualities are welcome.
Other spoken languages
Special interests, endeavours, publications and about me
Mindfulness-based interventions and Buddhist Psychology.
Existentialism, meaning and purpose in life: thesis explored connection between sources of meaning and well-being, purpose, and death acceptance.
Spirituality and embodied experiences: research conducted on connections between different traits, character and early life experiences and different altered states of consciousness: ranging from ‘positive’ (e.g., spiritual states) and ‘negative’ (e.g., attenuated psychosis).
Lush, S., & Marks, Z., (2003) Personal meaning, sources of meaning and death acceptance in younger and older adult Australians. Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Post Graduate Diploma of Psychology, Australian Catholic University.
Lush S., Winkelman, C., & Paddle B., (2005) Consciousness transformations in a normal adult sample with personality and life history variables. Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Psychology (Clinical), Australian Catholic University.
Prior to COVID-19, I facilitated an 8-week mindfulness course for management of stress, anxiety and depression.
I am also a trained horticulturalist (Graduate Diploma of Urban Horticulture) with experience in the use of horticultural therapy and design of therapeutic landscapes. I have an interest in the use of nature-based and horticultural activities to support mental health.
Super-charging psychology with doses of nature and gardening, ABC Radio National. Interview with me starts at 4:10.
In my personal time I love to garden and to get into nature. I also love AFL, running, yoga and meditation. I have a young family. I grew up in Melbourne and lived most of my life there, but recently I have moved to the Noosa Hinterland in Southeast Queensland.
Professional membership and ABN
Member Australian Psychological Society (MAPS).
Endorsed in Clinical Psychology by Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
ABN: 49 826 002 562.
Relevant experience
Clinical psychologist, my private practice, various Victorian towns, Jan 2008—July 2013; Jan 2015—present.
Maintained high, professional standards in my delivery of evidence-based psychotherapy and maintenance of clinical records.
Clinical interviewing and assessment.
Administration of diagnostic tests.
Liaising with general practitioners, psychiatrists, occupational rehabilitation providers etc.
Responsible for all other aspects of my private practice.
Access & Referral Clinician, South East Melbourne Primary Health Network, Vic, Aug 2020—present.​
Providing clinical oversight of incoming referrals and broader service navigation through the South East Melbourne Primary Health Network (SEMPHN) programs for referrers and consumers.
Liaising with GP’s and other health professionals, agencies and organisations involved in SEMPHN programs.
Troubleshooting and escalating clinical issues or presenting risks when required.
Clinical psychologist, Western Psychological Services, Melton, Vic, Mar 2007—July 2013; Jan 2015—Apr 2020.
Practice of evidence-based individual and group psychological interventions.
NDIS Support Coordinator/ GPIR facilitator, Ballarat Community Health Centre, Vic, Jan 2018—Jul 2018.
Assisting Grampians Partners in Recovery clients to transition to the NDIS.
Support coordination with NDIS participants.
Liaising with regional providers and key stakeholders
Assessment of gaps in regional services.
Clinical psychologist, New View Psychology, Essendon and Rowville, Vic, Feb 2007—Oct 2008.
Providing clinical care for adolescents, adults and senior citizens in residential care facilities.
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Existing clients only. New clients are welcome to see our other practitioners.
You are welcome to contact me
You are welcome to briefly discuss your clinical matter with me and establish what you may be seeking from me. This will also help us get an idea of how suitable my therapeutic approach and style is for you.
For any administrative queries, please Contact us. For clinical matters only, you may contact me by submitting the form below which the office manager will forward to me.
Please understand that we are not a crisis service. If you need help in a crisis, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or in an emergency call 000.